
Showing posts from April, 2020

Schoolmykids Shows The Way In Making The Best Choice For Your Child

School education forms an integral part of our childhood. So why do we study? Does education really help us invest in a brighter future, or are we merely following everyone blindly? Let’s think through why anyone makes the decision to study. Education as a good investment In the past two decades, education has become increasingly popular. As further education has become more accessible and as the demand for high-skilled workers has increased, society has begun to expect most school leavers to pursue further education. In this environment, higher qualifications are increasingly viewed as proof of in the job market. Although people can acquire knowledge and skills through self-teaching, qualifications provide a formal endorsement of skills learnt. Rising demand for qualifications indicate the desire for employing only those who come armed with degrees. School education forms the stepping stone. Choosing the right school sets the tone for the rest of the educational journey. ...