The Importance Of School Education In Child Development

Today’s children are the future citizens of tomorrow. Schools play an important role in shaping children’s future. How well the children do is highly dependent on their schools which reflects the quality of the present education system. The foremost duty of every school is to stimulate curiosity in the young, impressionable minds and equip them with important life skills. We are all aware that the learning process is significant in shaping one’s personality and how he or she deals with various hardships of life. Children do much more than become acquainted with what’s written in the text books. Schools are instrumental in bringing about a wave of change by transforming bookish knowledge to knowledge about life. Earlier learning by rote and just being relegated to merely being a bookworm was considered enough and even encouraged. Now education has become an all-encompassing entity which besides giving knowledge gives well-rounded development. It has become more than just a means to ...