The Importance Of School Education In Child Development

Today’s children are the future citizens of tomorrow. Schools play an important role in shaping children’s future. How well the children do is highly dependent on their schools which reflects the quality of the present education system. The foremost duty of every school is to stimulate curiosity in the young, impressionable minds and equip them with important life skills.

We are all aware that the learning process is significant in shaping one’s personality and how he or she deals with various hardships of life. Children do much more than become acquainted with what’s written in the text books. Schools are instrumental in bringing about a wave of change by transforming bookish knowledge to knowledge about life.

Earlier learning by rote and just being relegated to merely being a bookworm was considered enough and even encouraged. Now education has become an all-encompassing entity which besides giving knowledge gives well-rounded development. It has become more than just a means to acquire degrees and monetary success in life.

SchoolMyKids is a one-stop destination for acquiring all forms of knowledge and information regarding school education in the country such as the list of Best Boarding Schools In India. With the unbiased and well-researched information from SchoolMyKids, you as a parent are sure to provide your child with the best of education possible.

Factors school education must take into consideration

In today’s competitive times, education is nothing short of a basic necessity for human beings much like food, clothes and shelter. School education forms the foundation of the education system. For the best interests of children, school education must focus on the following aspects:

Mental Aspect

School is the foremost source of knowledge children get right after their home. With the focus on imparting knowledge about several subjects, the children gain immense knowledge and learn about life skills. This stimulates and cultivates the thought process. Children exposed to literary stimulants and other education tend to develop a much broader perspective about everything in life.  

Social Aspect

A child learns to socialize only at his school premises. Before joining school, the child is only acquainted with his parents and immediate family members. At school he has his first human interactions outside his family. Being in the company of children of the same age makes them learn how to learn to be with them. Important sociable practices like empathy, friendship, participation, assistance are instilled deep in their minds.

Physical Aspect

A child going to the school is at a crucial stage in terms of physical development. Home provides only a restricted outlet, while at school, a child has several physical activities to channelize his energy. Also it instills a different form of motivation to be indulging in such physical pursuits with his own age group children. The presence of activities such as sports, craft helps children direct their boundless energy into something productive.

SchoolMyKids is an online platform created by the parents for the parents to disseminate information regarding your child’s education like how to secure KVS Online Admission. SchoolMyKids works tirelessly to ensure that the reviews and information regarding various institutions on its website are reliable and authenticated.


  1. School education is pivotal in shaping a child's development, fostering cognitive, social, and emotional growth. top 5 Schools in Yelahanka, Bangalore: Mallya Aditi International, Ryan International, NPS, Vidyashilp Academy, and Chrysalis High.


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