
Showing posts from August, 2022


General chemistry is one of the few scientific subjects that is both logical and abstract. Let me explain. You are going to use a lot of mathematics and algebra. So you need to understand that. But you will also need to learn about electrons, what they do, and how they are likely to behave, elements name with atomic mass . You are going to have to try to understand what valence shells and orbitals are and why they exist the way they do. There are new symbols that you will only learn about in chemistry. Also, there are types of math used only in chemistry. If you do not quite understand what I am talking about yet, you will as you delve further into the subject. There are a lot of abstract concepts. The easiest way to learn general chemistry Let us talk about the easiest way to learn General Chemistry. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I am assuming you are taking the course or about to. Here is what you need to do if you want to make learning chemistry easier. 1....