General chemistry is one of the few scientific subjects that is both logical and abstract. Let me explain.

You are going to use a lot of mathematics and algebra. So you need to understand that.

But you will also need to learn about electrons, what they do, and how they are likely to behave, elements name with atomic mass. You are going to have to try to understand what valence shells and orbitals are and why they exist the way they do.

There are new symbols that you will only learn about in chemistry. Also, there are types of math used only in chemistry.

If you do not quite understand what I am talking about yet, you will as you delve further into the subject. There are a lot of abstract concepts.

The easiest way to learn general chemistry

Let us talk about the easiest way to learn General Chemistry. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I am assuming you are taking the course or about to.

Here is what you need to do if you want to make learning chemistry easier.

1. do it well at the beginning

As I said earlier, chemistry is a progressive subject. Everything you learn at the beginning of General Chemistry will be used later in General Chemistry.

So you really need to pay attention and understand well. Especially in the beginning.

The topics and material you learn before you take your first chemistry exam will come back to you throughout the course.

This means that you need to really push yourself in the beginning and not fall behind.

If you feel the need to slack off or take a break, you should do so towards the end of the semester.

Your best bet is to make A's at the beginning. Believe me... it's easy at the beginning compared to the rest of the course.

2. study a little before the course

Look at your syllabus (or ask your professor) and find out what the topic plan is.

3. attend every lecture

If you do not go to every single lecture, you are not putting enough effort into learning general chemistry. If you need to prioritize your classes, every chemistry class is a top priority.

If you miss a class, you will need to make up the material you missed that day. Since chemistry is an ongoing subject, missing a class can affect your grades and understanding for the rest of the semester. Possibly even future courses.

4. Study in a small group with others.

There are many benefits to learning with others. When you study in a small group, you have many opportunities to learn.

For example, if you are struggling with a particular topic in General Chemistry, someone in the group may be able to help you understand it better and tutor you.

On the other hand, if you understand a subject really well, you can help others who do not.

Research shows that learning in small groups or even helping to teach others improves your ability to understand and retain knowledge.

Remember, the key is to really understand the topics in General Chemistry. Especially at the beginning of your studies.

5. if you have difficulty on an exam, go back and study the material.

In most subjects, if you do poorly on a test, just keep studying for the next test. Most people do this, and it sounds like it makes sense.

Do NOT this in General Chemistry!

If you miss ANYTHING on a test, go back and study that exact material until you master it. Do this before you move on in the class.

You will probably need that exact knowledge or skill for future topics.

For example, let us say you take your first General Chemistry exam and miss all the questions on Dimensional Analysis. You simply did not understand them.

If you do not make up for it, you will fail General Chemistry... Guaranteed.

You will use Dimensional Analysis for most of your calculations in Gen Chem 1 and 2.

6. Understand the behavior of electrons.

Here goes. This one is gold.

Understanding how electrons behave in relation to your General Chemistry material will give you an advantage over almost everyone else.

So many students still have no idea about electrons after studying General Chemistry.

Remember, this article is all about understanding. Understanding is the key to success.

If you clearly understand how electrons work, you will have a better understanding of how reactions, atoms, ions, valence, orbitals, acids, bases… pretty much everything.

So, go study some reactions, electron affinity, stoichiometry, and valence shells. Then pay close attention to the electrons and their behavior.

Concluding thoughts: Is chemistry hard?

Chemistry is considered to be very hard. In fact, chemistry is considered one of the most difficult subjects in college. Some of the advanced chemistry courses (such as Physical Chemistry) are considered the most difficult subjects in college. Point.

Ask any chemical engineer. He will tell you that chemistry is more difficult than physics. Still, there are steps you can take to make your general chemistry courses easier. Learn topics in advance (or pre-learn, as I call it). Make sure you fully understand new concepts before you move on in the course. Also involve your family in school by allowing them to give feedback for school from parents. Never miss class. Finally, study and practice every day.




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